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My Little Nihilist Handbook part two

by Li Cheng Shuo Politics sing muse of my black rage I really try to avoid politics. I mean politicians are always trying to foment...

Under the Black Sun

How atheists switch off the Enlightenment Some say atheists are boring, hypocritical cranks. On the other hand, a majority of atheists...

Black Sun

How atheists switch off the Enlightenment a juicy pulp-filled apparatus canned atheist minds after incorporating them into sort of a soup...

Do Not Abandon the Democrat Party

Should we abandon ship? Flee like rats? Desert our posts? Can the lifeboats long survive the heaving, tempest-tossed sea? The people have...

Cruel gods & Atheists

Is atheism a misnomer? Are atheists entirely without gods? Some societies worship a malevolent deity: a punishing god who enjoys...

Daring & Pioneering New Film Release!

In a daring and ground-breaking move, a children’s film challenges its protagonist to “follow her heart” and “be who she truly is”. The...

Great News: God Exists

Why be depressed? Atheism lacks foundation so cheer up! There’s no reason to believe God is dead and the universe is cold, chaotic, and...

Lions & Lambs Amongst the worst crimes of...

The Anti-Christians Part IV The Residue of Anti-Christianity Time: late 1900s and early 2000s Anti-Christianity still...

Satan’s Schemes in Proterozoic Seas

Some solutions to the problem of evil How can God and evil both exist? God gives man freedom which is good, but sometimes man misuses his...


The New Criterion New Oxford Review The Thomistic Institute Acton Institute Crisis Magazine First Things National Review The New Atlantis...

The Fundamental Conflict of Our Time

The fundamental conflict of our time is the clash between people of color and the liberal elite: the jihadis vs. the decadents,...

Why Not Technocracy?

If the world was run by scientists and engineers would that be so bad? Decisions would be made by (completely) disinterested teams of...

Factions Among the Godless

The dispute is endless and pointless; the participants are joyless and lifeless and merciless. Anti-theists have exhibited two major...

Elite Left vs. Populist Left

The Elite Left in its various forms (Marxish academics, banker/activists, “journalists”, Celebrities Who Care, bloated bureaucrats &...

Him Alone You Must serve

A Perennial desire of mankind is to turn our backs on the vainglorious elites, all the pompous princes and plutocrats with their...

Depopulation Agenda

The corporate media shrieks: Overpopulation spells our doom! Having babies will be the end of us! Motherhood is a crime! New life is a...

God's Fashion Sense

His Simple & Majestic Universe By Nito Gnoci What does the universe tell us about its Creator? The universe is...

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