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The Intersection

The Intersection And how could the Soul lend itself to any admixture? -Plotinus I like big butts and I can not lie -Sir Mix-a-Lot As a...

The Intersection

The Intersection And how could the Soul lend itself to any admixture? -Plotinus I like big butts and I can not lie -Sir Mix-a-Lot As a...

Meeting by Accident final

Synopsis: Two billionaires (Elon Musk and Larry Page) and a robot ponder mankind’s future. Author: a world-weary left-wing east-coast...

Meeting by Accident

A Paradox Mankind can only agree on one policy: The elimination of mankind. It may not be everyone’s first choice, But it is a popular...


The robots call us the melancholy species or the tragic species. Young man raised aboard spaceship by robots He disembarks on distant...


Future Human culture Simple natural innocent Peaceful eugenics Dependent humble Proud parents Suffering in the past / Bolsheviks hope...

Beliefs of Our Ruling Class

What does our ruling class, all those politicians and celebrities and banker/activists, believe in? What values do they embrace? 1)...


Paradise on earth: the gardens of Ashurbanipal Genesis 29 Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole...

The Robozo

We will go to Bible camp. Go to Bible camp. Go go go go go to Bible camp. We will stomp and we will stamp on the way to bible camp. We...

The Robotozoic Era

Or Robozoic Era? Let’s think big. Let’s consider not just countries or Earth but the whole Milky Way Galaxy. Let’s consider not just...

Beyond Man

Continuation of the human race may not be the preferred option. Since antiquity many have noted a variety of unfortunate constituents of...


Humans vs. An Alliance of Robots and Nature Posthumanists demote humans while promoting both robots and the biosphere, both machines and...


My mother was of Irish Catholic and German Ancestry. Her family included Maddens and Ryans and Nefcies and of course Behlings. They lived...

Father’s Day III

Following are excerpts from the diary of Oswald Swift, the renowned computer scientist, and excerpts from my own diary. I am Ida, his...

Father’s Day II

Following are excerpts from the diary of Oswald Cabal, the renowned computer scientist. I am Ida, his niece, and I compiled these...

Father’s Day The Man of the Future ...

God & Science in Ancient Greece

In ancient Greece brave thinkers discarded the notion of divine intervention and invented Science. Helios driving the Chariot of the Sun ...

My Little Nihilist Handbook part III

Substitute the contemplation of pure timeless forms for the greedy never-satiated will. I need to detach myself from a troubled world....

My Little Nihilist Handbook part 1

by Li Cheng Shuo Let’s Begin O reader, can I be bothered to write this book? To what end? What chance have I for success? Why should I...

My Little Nihilist Handbook part 4

The End obscure or Obvious or 0btuse useless broken stupid thing Throw it in the garbage! Russia, China, Iran, Belarus, North Korea,...

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