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  • Writer's pictureNito Gnoci

My Little Nihilist Handbook part 4

Updated: Feb 27, 2023

The End obscure or Obvious or 0btuse

useless broken stupid thing

Throw it in the garbage!

Russia, China, Iran, Belarus, North Korea, Syria


NATO, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Ukraine, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Vietnam

but not every nation will get involved

Still it looks like the end.

Chatty friendly heroic poetic. But in a Sarcastic way. SOBORED

Larkin and Ligotti and Leopardi


Why are children allowed in libraries or airplanes, restaurants. badly behaved Parents think they are cute they’re not, just irritating. Sticky smelly screamingsquabbling talk back bratty no supervision Carry diseases horrible ragamuffins

banging head against the wall

I think I’ll just pretend my book is wildly successful, made into an award winning independent film, inspired a popular song, earning me fame and fortune and respect.

Who are you talking to?

I don’t know who are you?

That sound barely audible slightly behind above you

do you hear it?


A consolation…

Microorganisms rotting from the inside, destroying macroorganisms.

If only still smaller organisms could destroy the microorganisms

and so on and so on

til all were wiped out snuffed out

extinguished annihilated

We arrived after we drove home.

Andre Breton

I fOrget what were we talking abOut?

rn m rn m

un un

Anger at reader

Poetic inversion

Mountain cataract

Poop a doop

mock heroic

be bop

hip hop

don’t stop

tip top

pop top

get a mop

call a cop

flip flop

slippety slop (that new dance)

His heart trembled; his breath came faster and a wild spirit passed over his limbs as though he were soaring sunward. His heart trembled in an ecstasy of fear and his soul was in flight. His soul was soaring in an air beyond the world and the body he knew was purified in a breath and delivered of incertitude and made radiant and commingled with the element of the spirit.


Pop goes the weasel

oogie oo

slob blob lob mob Bob rob sob










Academics have embraced the most ridiculous nonsense for centuries. Consider pre-modern medical systems or psychoanalysis. Just another self-serving priesthood spouting meaningless jargon.

The academics _______________ .

  1. are insufferable

  2. are predictable

  3. are useless

  4. are overpaid

  5. give you a rash/disease

  6. All of the above

ANYTHING can happen on this day. An accident, a death, a nothing, a secret exposed, a condemnation.

Great job! Here’s a plastic trophy for you.

I guess this book is not very good.

The idea was interesting but

I feel I might have written a good book


Childish nonsense and undigested philosophy

by turn gross and pretentious

Maybe I failed because great achievements are not actually possible.

which is consoling

What standard is there for me to aim at?

ThOugh I'm 0n the verge Of writing sOmething memOrable.

What show could I produce to express the universal horror? Which theater could I use? Which theater would be big enough? Who would direct? What songs would I sing?

It’ll never happen.

Theme 1: man’s inhumanity to man

maybe something simple, unadorned - a guitar solo. No!

A vast cataclysmic cosmic comical historical pastoral musical live ice show I would stage with a cast from across the galaxy and all manner of dancers and clownsand fireworks and aquatic mammals and a lot of lights to make it sparkle

or maybe I’ll just take a nap.

But enough about all that.

it’s time to say goodbye

Have a wonderful day!

fade out

With moisty pop now ends my oozing opus.

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