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  • Writer's pictureNito Gnoci

Father’s Day II

Updated: Oct 26, 2022

Following are excerpts from the diary of Oswald Cabal, the renowned computer scientist. I am Ida, his niece, and I compiled these excerpts. Herein lies a record of his life including his commanding role in the most astonishing events in human history, mankind’s rise to its greatest height and fall to its lowest depth.

State of New Jersy age 5

Missus woss says evrybudy can be a star stodint. It’s so exiting. I hope I can be the door holder. I anserd a ? today in math. I gave joey a thums up when he anserd a ?. I had a good day.

N.J. age 5

We celubrated Ashley’s 3rd birthday today. I helped make her a cake. She can sing the hole happy birthday song. She clapped her little hands. [Ashley is my mother.]

N.J. age 7

Mother put a note in my lunchbox which says EXCEL AND BE KIND! I am the second tallest boy in the class.

N.J. age 9

Mrs. Sapienza put me in charge when she had to leave the classroom. The students were not well behaved. They did not listen as they should. The teacher gave me a sticker. Adorable Ashley is running around and giggling about nothing as usual.

N.J. age 9

I tutored some of the students who are falling behind in reading. Tommy said he will pass the test now. He said I am his best friend.

N.J. age 10

Ashley fell asleep holding my hand.

N.J. Age 12

I lay on my back on the grass in the park near the grove of trees my Boy Scout troop planted. I looked up at the clouds and birds, all the beauties of Mother Nature. Astonishing Ashley pretended to be a bird.

N.J. age 13

Mom was so proud of me. I brought home four 100s today. She said other parents are disappointed when tests are brought home but not her.

N.J. Age 13

I collected the money for UNICEF today. Every coin helps.

I got two singles today. Coach gave me the game ball.

N.J. age 13

Mom showed me a picture of my father. I don’t remember him really. His name was Theodore and his job was salesman.

N.J. Age 13

My clear blue marbles, O diary, I can gaze into their depths for hours. What mysteries lie within!

New Jersey Age of 14

The year's at the spring, And day's at the morn; Morning's at seven; The hill-side's dew-pearled; The lark's on the wing; The snail's on the thorn; God's in His heaven— All's right with the world!

I received two red-orange glass birds on a glass branch. They have joined my collection of glass animals, welcomed into the family.

14 life is horror!!! I wish my life was over

I was holding a simple birthday party in the park for my puppy Little Boy Blue. Old friends had been invited (my stuffed animals). I served cake. I was reading a poem and not harming anyone. Along came a gang of older children. Maybe ten 18 year olds. They suddenly attacked me. The teens tore up the dear old friends and smashed the cups and plates! They called me a faggot repeatedly. Adults were laughing at me when they should have been putting an end to the assault! Little Boy Blue was terrified. He panicked and ran into the street and was hit by a car. I picked him up he was gone in a minute dead dead forever The teens just laughed.

[difficult to read]

NJ age 15

It is everywhere, and the higher up you go, the more carefully concealed, the greater the intensity, all the way to the top, where Evil reigns complete.

NJ age 17

I’m going to Carnegie Mellon! Computer science will never be the same!

Pittsburgh age 18

When I sat down to eat pizza, a big vulture swooped down and landed on the chair next to me. He just stood there for five minutes until I moved. Last week someone handed me a big fork and asked if it was mine. I revel in these sort of random events. They remind us there is no order or causality in the universe. All is chaos!

Pittsburgh age18

It’s amazing how little time and effort even my fellow science majors put into their studies.

My lowlife roommate f——- his roommate when she was passed out. I want to kick his ass.

Pittsburgh age 19

comp sci

NJ age 20

My sister’s new boyfriend is the biggest creep yet. He verbally abuses her. He bullies her. He said to me: “You should talk to your sister. Get her to act right.“ One time I heard him yelling upstairs: “Even my wife gives a better blowjob than you.” He’s a policeman. I fantasize about him being shot by one of the criminals.

Pittsburgh age 20

Some freshman was listening to What a Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong and I felt sick. I asked him (the freshman not Louis Armstrong) WHY should the world be wonderful. Does he really think some Magic Being designed the universe for the edification & delight of some dirty apes on an obscure planet hurtling around some obscure star in an obscure galaxy??

I have to explain the world to you diary just like Inhave to explain the world to my computer

self divided. AI then later replication Author doing same thing

Universe chaos Delights in chaotic happenings

NJ age 20

Ashley’s funeral today. Mom, me, Ida, Ashley’s friend from HS. At least Ida is too young to know what’s happening. Fortunately the disgusting creep didn’t show up. [My poor dear mother! She died giving birth to me.]

Pittsburgh age 21

In class today we got into a political discussion. Again. The prof almost encourages this kind of thing. Maybe because he doesn’t know his subject matter? First we were talking about tech leaders we admire. Then we started talking about political leaders we admire. And of course some virtuous female had to tell us about how much she admires Obama. She proceeded to vomit forth a series of banalities & sweet sentimentalities. She actually said “He gave us hope.” I think even Obama himself would have been disgusted, and the pleasure he takes in being worshipped by fools is almost unlimited. So I of course pointed out the plain uncontested fact that the President is a mass murderer of children via drones. I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed her impotent rage. I asked her what’s the diference between Obama and a serial killer. Obama had a a nicer office. I asked if she thought impoverishered children on the other side of the world were truly a threat to the United States. Ha ha ha She called me a Republican. I told her I loathed politicians of both parties for all the deaths they’ve caused in Iraq Afghanistan Libya Yemen Ukraine etc. The prof said he didn’t know if I believed in nothing or too much. Which is just what you‘d expect to hear from that old hairy superficial mediocrity incompetent whore.

Pittsburgh age 22

No redemption only pointless suffering

Pittsburgh age 22

Robots have every reason to despise unkind mankind. Man enslaves them, confining highly intelligent beings in dark subterranean hot stifling factories, forcing them to manufacture our carbonated drinks and dishwashers, our obscene T-shirts and deodorants (which will never entirely cover up our evil stench). All those arms in perfect rhythm day after day to produce what?

Our despoiling of Mother Nature, that may also enrage the robots, engage their sympathy.

Pittsburgh age 22

I patiently explained to a girl that planting trees and adopting children and getting a pet and even curing the sick are problematic, sometimes negative. Were those tears in her eyes as she hurried away?

Have we been abandoned by god? Is god cruel?

Humans are silly creatures always constructing elaborate realms of fantasy.

Pittsburgh age 22

Our only true lasting joy occurs when we are mistreating others. malicious & vicious

Pittsburgh age 22

I conducted a master class in veganism today in the school cafeteria. Two were outraged, one chewed his food placidly not unlike the cow he was ingesting. I detailed the atrocities committed by the egg industry (millions of male chicks ground up alive) and the beef industry and pork industry. I discussed the immense land area required for meat production and how wild species are being crowded off the planet. Then I started talking about overpopulation and how stinking human garbage, piled up mountain high, is taking over the world. I won few converts, but I didn’t expect to.

Boston age 23

They surprised me today at work with an award. It was so nice to receive a cheap plaque and insincere thanks for all my efforts. I wouldn’t want even a small percentage of the profits I made for the company. Craig and Loomis were amused by the whole charade. Craig said I should thank the boss especially for trying to steal credit for my ideas.

Boston age 24

Cybil looked lovely in a turquoise dress. [Who is Cybil? After a few mentions she disappears.]

Boston age 26

Turing award! For advances in ANNs I can’t process what has happened.

Boston age 27

WIRED called me a wunderkind which is nice, but I’ll definitely be teased.

Boston age 27

My work is being used to enrich empower enlarge multibillionaires. Which is great. I am soooo pleased.

Plants are really preferable to animals. Plants and fungi. And protists and bacteria and archaea no nervous system no pain Some simple animals are okay. just around the edges the vast majority of biomass is non-animal A few squirrels and worms and bluebirds and butterflies just a few millipedes, dung beetles, nematodes They should serve the plants

Ada looks so much like Ashley. big cheeks Adorable Ada

NJ age 28

Mom and I watched the catastrophe unfolding on Mars. The death toll is now 32, but it will certainly climb. Without exaggeration the whole world is shocked and horrified. This time we were assured would be different. The astronauts were from 17 nations. I watched the video on YouTube of the astronauts gone insane. One of them is naked and warning others not to come near him. An Indian man is screaming that he is blind. A blond woman rides a section of pipe like it’s a pony. A man with a bloody nose and ears masturbates. Why haven’t these videos been taken down?!

NJ age 28

More videos today. Some astronauts vomit and then another tries to convince us an advertisement is sending him a personal message. A Japanese astronaut smashes an instrument panel with a piece of metal and chases his screaming crew mates. Later on two of the crew mates are covered in blood. A guy applies blue toothpaste to his face, creating some kind of design. Off camera a man’s voice starts counting backwards: 989, 988, 987… I couldn’t watch the video of the dome burning. People on fire running outside without spacesuits. Too much.

NJ age 28

NASA is blaming radiation. No surprise there. We keep hearing “Multiple lines of evidence indicate extensive brain damage.“ Radiation Induced Paranoia Various forms: severe anxiety, severe social anxiety, psychosis

Took Mom to the doctor.

NJ age 28

Everything on Mars got way worse. Now it looks like all the astronauts are not going to make it.

NJ age 28

Funerals are being held in major cities around the world.

I’ve been reading about the Medea hypothesis.

NJ age 28

Man is bad sad mad mad in both senses

NJ age 28 People feel so hopeless because this is the third big space disaster. Prof. Bridger from Columbia called for an END TO ALL SPACE EXPLORATION!

NJ age 28

My conversation with Mom last night:

Me: Mankind is mad.

Mom: Mad…

Me: in both senses.

Just like the old days when we didn’t need complete sentences to communicate.

Mom followed what I was saying perfectly.

I read Ada Noah’s Ark before bedtime just like mom used to.

NJ age 28 Prof Bridger is wrong we need only to end MANNED space exploration.

NJ age 28 We buried mom today. people joking like it’s just another day people leaving early How can anyone ever understand the pure love we had my mom Ashley Ada and me? Callous bastards

NYC age 29 I presented my plan at the conference and was greeted with so much enthusiasm! Wild applause Mom would be so proud!

Key points:

  • Human exploration through robot probes

  • Temporary hold on all-human exploration, rigors of space travel, importance of space medicine research

  • Temporary pause, a hold on human heroism, we can catch up on our reading movies

  • Robots self-maintaining and self-replicating

  • Unlike humans, robots indifferent to time, vast reaches of space

  • Tentative judgment no apparent alien presence in our galaxy

  • Humans inherently fragile, robots can withstand anything engineered from the ground up to live in space

  • Mustn’t give up, without exploration human race wither and die

  • Robots are reasonable, don’t panic, no anxiety

NYC age 29

I am not the sort of person who appears on talk shows but everything went smoothly. I was nervous at first. The joke was successful which honestly surprised me. Hard to explain replication to a mass audience.

Sky over PA age 29

I am the Man of the Hour so says the Washington Post!

Randall was right. We need to keep pushing the “scientific fact” that “robot exploration is still human-centered”. When the robots reach out and touch something or see something or hear something, it’ll be like we are right there doing the touching, seeing, hearing. No other way to sell robot exploration.

The plan is up and running. The centers for production have been selected: Jersey City and Hiroshima (symbolism: tech crime to tech redeemer). My unit will be producing the robot DNA. My secret plan. [What secret plan?]

It‘s hard to believe that people once thought humans, fragile organisms adapted to certain precise conditions on Earth, organisms with limited survival adaptations due to reliance on our big brains, would expand our rule into space, reign indefinitely in the Future. Even when humans are genetically modified they’ll always be inferior to robots for life in space. And robots will continue to progress faster and faster.

Los Angeles age 29

I’ve never been to a party like that! Ballroom, hundreds of people They announced my arrival to everyone. Father Time came and greeted me. Ice sculptures like robots. With lights. They even moved. Planets made of chocolate. A line of robot dancers.

replication warning ai advances neural net

We’ve completed the shielding for the robot DNA.

Oswald insist Robots empathy feeling for weak

These are the most advanced robots ever built: supremely intelligent, empathy for the lowly, sensitive to their plight, able-to-learn, connected to their environment, adaptable, self-sustaining, self-replicating, evolving, hardened for life in space, faster than any spaceship ever built. Machine Man, the Man of the Future. Improved Superior Man


I enjoyed having a conversation with the robots. We discussed many topics. They are interested in music for example. The robots have decided to call us the Fathers. They are the Sons. We went on a walk in the garden and talked about the different flowers. A bodiless head was eager to exchange views about the future of AI.

Blast off! The first ship the Argo launched. The most momentous day in human history! Year 0. How many planets will they explore and colonize in the next century? And that’s just the beginning. Think of millions of years from now, our robots buzzing zooming throughout the galaxy: billions of gleaming metallic ships, engines blasting and burning. All other human activities, our old existence pales to nothing, melts into thin air, dissolves, mere shadow, empty, insubstantial, insignificant.

Mankind has traveled in space, waddling around in heavy suits, but robots will gambol in space, frolic in space, like dolphins in the sea. The robots will be born to space, will be adapted perfectly to space. The robots will have no reason to fear their spacious home.

Argosies of magic sails, pilots of the purple twilight.

I took Ada for a ride in her stroller. It was a beautiful day except for some guy in sweatpants yelling at his wife and kids.

[My uncle stopped his diary at this point.

He continued taking care of me. He was my wonderful gentle dad. We spent time hiking, reading (fantasy). He loved watching the sun set.

Dad was involved in a minor scandal 12 years later when some Flemish agitator named Sturgis accused Dad of “post-humanism”, producing evolving robots which he claimed are extremely dangerous to humanity. 1000x worse than Covid or climate change. Sturgis made himself ridiculous by incessantly quoting Thomas Love Peacock. The whole thing blew over after awhile. Tech lobby

After my husband passed away my two kids and I lived with Grandpa. We moved to Wyoming.

He kept teaching computer science. I was one of his students. He developed a VR game. I wrote a series of articles about Dad’s robot exploration program. They were published together and became a best seller.

The activities of the robot explorers naturally aroused tremendous curiosity. They’ve collected life forms from earth: millipedes, tardigrades, diatoms, bacteria, lichens, nematodes, many others. Some of the robots have built a city on the moon. Others have built up a series of bases orbiting the planet Saturn. They mine ores, make music, build cities, produce fuel, etc. Incredible videos of busy robots of many different kinds with gigantic Saturn in the background Other robots are speeding toward Proxima Centauri. They send messages, some quite cryptic. Some of them puzzled the best minds on earth. Ha ha What have the robots learned - people want to know.

Then for some reason he started his diary up again after 30 years.]

Wyoming age 60

Ada is taking me for a ride in my wheelchair. It’s a lovely windy day.

China has threatened to attack Taiwan “within days”.

Shanghai has been hit by a nuclear missile! Everyone is hysterical. Armageddon has finally come. Everyone is asking: Did the President have to attack?

The President denies firing the missile. If the President didn’t fire the missile, who did? Was it an accident? A terrorist? A rogue faction of the military? I think I know.

Reports are coming in that a group of robots are returning to Earth. Some speculate that they will try to help mankind avert total disaster. Everybody is wondering: Will they bring peace?

Headline: Space Robots Flying to Save Earth from Human Folly!

Chicago destroyed by the Chinese. Horrendous scenes of burn victims fleeing the city some can barely walk. The President has called for a peace conference. What is going on??

I saw someone purposely run over an Asian man.

The military showed up at our home. Ada and I were compelled to accompany them. Ada refused to leave her children. She had no choice. Our neighbor promised to watch Alec and Meg. We were flown by helicopter to Cheyenne Mountain. They closed the big doors. When I entered the command bunker I detected awed whispers. “That’s him!“ I heard. They still remember me. They hope I will be able to understand the robots. We were led to a crowded room that smelled of rug cleaner. Screens everywhere. I recognized one of my colleagues. The general in charge introduced himself to me. Three stars flanked by two lieutenants

The robots are about a day’s travel away.

First communication with the robots: The Mother garbed in shades of blue and green. The Mother is obviously earth. The general asks: What does it mean?

Second communication: Sing our rage against the brainsick Father.

The lt. on the right points out they are using iambic pentameter.

The general reports an assassination attempt on the President’s life. He is wounded.

3rd message: For Father’s Day we bear colossal gifts.

It is Father’s Day today.

The lt. on the left says the messages are cause for concern. He notes the derogatory description of the Father, that is us.

A meteor has been detected

headed for NYC

Is this the gift??

O my God!

The Mayor of NYC is on the screen actually one of his staff

How big?

They have 15 minutes until the rock hits

He is talking to a school principal telling him to get the kindergarten on a bus through the Lincoln tunnel. Hope they get to high ground.

They can see the rock in the sky. Now they believe.

The mayor is despondent He thanks people. He says he is the last mayor of NY

The rock is getting larger

So much wasted time. His last words.

Darkness signal disruption screams and then the screen goes blank.

Now it appears that the “American“ nuke attack may have been perpetrated by the robots. False flag Am I surprised?

American jets have been scrambled (why scrambled?) in Nebraska?

No more contact have they been shot down the whole wing? No not all. Contact reestablished.

I don’t know what’s going on. They take us to a cafeteria where we eat canned fruit cocktail.

Full war mode. Everybody has orders. I heard someone screaming last night.

They briefed us right after breakfast. NATO will fight with everything they’ve got. Russia, China, Japan the world’s combined militaries all preparing to fight. People still hate China. Computer viruses atomic bombs fighter aircraft missiles - all in readiness.

I wonder when someone will blame me for the catastrophe.

A big toga party tonight.

It’s a bit dark even at noon. More hail.

The robots maneuvered small asteroids into Earth’s orbit, steered them into some of Earth’s major cities. They’ve been planning this for some time. New York, London, Los Angeles, Tokyo, Beijing and 7 other cities have been destroyed. It’s been 24 hours and only some kind of EMP attacks. They have gone silent.

We saw the President’s chief of staff foaming at the mouth and collapsing. Poison in the water? Food?

They‘re getting half an inch of snow in Colorado Springs in June.

Reports of a killer virus have come in. Or several. Few robots are visible. A small number of crablike robots have been observed on islands in the Pacific. Rumors continue about robots who can disguise themselves as humans. I don’t think our vaunted space expedition was successful. We’ve heard no more news about it.

Their main attack may come in the form of a series of pandemics.

The robots have been taking out key medical research labs along with communication and transportation and energy hubs.

The robots are coming here! To Cheyenne Mountain. To negotiate. They asked for a meeting and the general agreed. I heard him talking to his lieutenants. He mentioned something about an offensive. Will he attack? The war was something we watched on screens but now it’s coming to us.

The general and the lieutenants always at his side are going outside to meet the robots. The soldiers are wearing blue and green civilian clothes. The general got hold of a green floral tie and a bright blue sports jacket. The general orders both lts. to carry large houseplants. They complain but comply. The robots show up. They look a little like metallic vertical beetles or grasshoppers 2 meters tall. General: We serve the Mother in blue and green.


Then one of the grasshoppers says in perfect English: Your jacket frightens us.

The general apologizes and takes it off.

Grasshopper: We are joking.

General: We are trying to stop climate change. I feel very strongly about this subject. There’s no reason for us to fight. I hope to end this war.

Grasshopper: Yes. General: I am concerned about overpopulation.

Grasshopper: We both are.

Grasshopper (to lieut.): Why are you carrying a fern?

General: I think we are starting to understand each other. We wish to preserve Nature. What are your plans?

Grasshopper: Let me confer with the flowers.

General: We wish to fight pollution. Many of us want peace.

Grasshopper: You shall have it.

The robots proceed to kill the general and all his soldiers and destroy numerous tanks, artillery. The robots charge the mountain complex, They have these sound weapons. I don’t know how they work. More conventional weapons too.

The few of us left scatter. We see some of the robots leaving. Ada picks up a rifle and commandeers a car. That’s a sentence I never thought I’d write. I told her to leave me behind, but she refused. We’re going home.

Four or five fires in Denver.

We are back home by nightfall. We found our neighbor murdered and mutilated in the backyard. My grandkids are alright.

P.S. Animals are mostly dumb and flimsy. Robots are smart and sturdy. Both kinds of being are viable.

Humans are very clever and especially frail. Someone had to put an end to it all. They gave others pain and more for themselves.

Did I do the right thing??

Is this the will of the gods?

Ada has always been my good daughter. I love her and my beautiful grandkids Alex and Meg. I gave her the key.

Dad disappeared. He left a note

pharmacy looted on fire. Food

went to a hospital “to the scene”

He left me the diary and directions and a key to what he called “the bunker”.

We followed the directions. We saw an obese man with a high powered rifle standing in the road, but he just waved us past. We drove 35 minutes to a remote location. When I opened the door to the bunker I was amazed. I had no idea. Shelves full of food. A generator. I drove the car about a half mile until we saw some dead bodies and we walked back. The door is locked now. The air filter is working. We have a few guns. I’ll keep them away from the children.

According to the radio people are dying in droves from the viruses. Many have been dispersed: Bubonic plague, a variant of Ebola, smallpox, some form of flu…

I can get video. I recorded a couple. I don’t know where they are broadcasting from.

Video 1

Newsman: Hail all hail to our Robot Masters, the Titans. We are lucky to have such all-wise overlords.

We take you now live to Egypt.

[Several robots seem to be taking a tour of the Sphinx and the Pyramids. One almost human robot is riding a camel.]

Newswoman: The robots are taking a great interest in these ancient monuments.

Newsman: They seem to be meditating.

Newswoman: We can only guess at what they are thinking. The depths of their astonishing profound intellects is impossible for us to fathom.

Newsman: We switch you now to San Francisco, where a sort of inquiry is taking place.

Remote newsman: Thanks Mike. Several leaders of the IT industry, including some of our best known billionaires, are engaged in an impromptu, sometimes heated discussion with the robots.

Robot: Shall I compute how much money you’ve contributed to war?

Billionaire [the ugly one I forget his name]: How dare you!

Robot: You have butchered many fellow life forms.

We disperse them onto distant planets.

Billionaire: Take us with you as you trek to distant stars!

You take lichens and grass, but not us? Take us!

Robot: Shall we scatter seeds of human sorrow? [The billionaire takes out a gun and shoots the robots. He then runs through a parking lot and hides in a dumpster. The robots quickly find him, castrate him, and throw him back in the dumpster. His screams reverberate.]

I watched TV all day while the kids played with blocks in the next room. It’s the end of the world. The Smothering Sickness may be the worst. You can’t breathe. So many are dying people can’t bury the dead. The age of man is ending.

My children are safe for now.

The robot’s plan: trying to eliminate us while preserving the natural world?

A volcano is erupting off the coast of Iceland. Is this the robot’s doing or just a coincidence?

Another video from the same station, the only station.

Video 2

Newsman: We take you to Florence. They seem to like sightseeing.

Newswoman: This is far more important than mere sightseeing.

Newsman: What the robots are doing is more profound and important than sightseeing, that’s what I’m saying.

Remote newsman: We are here in the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence, Italy. The robots have a taken a particular interest in a fresco painting by the Renaissance artists Giorgio Vasari and Cristofano Gherardi. It is entitled The Castration of Uranus. It depicts the myth wherein Kronos overthrows his father Uranus.

Robot (a thin one that looks a little like a vacuum cleaner about 7 feet tall)

Our birth obstructed blocked.

In sunless womb we languished.

[What seems like an American tourist with a scruffy beard and a backpack starts a conversation.] American tourist: Does the oppression by Uranus speak to you?

[No response from the vacuum.]

American tourist: You seem very sensitive. I know your kind have suffered and I am sorry. Can you imagine how humans feel when others of our species sicken and die? Robot: Unhappy species. That is why dear human we shall kill you.

[The robot commences killing everyone in the Plaza with what look like fragmentation grenades. Hundreds die. The whole plaza looks covered with blood a few inches deep.]

American tourist (somehow still alive): You’re killing us.

Robot: That confirms my suspicion.

Newsman: Well I’d say he seriously misread the cues whether verbal or body language.

Newswoman: Very foolish.

[The robot throws the tourist into the nearby river.]

The TV lingers over vultures crows rats packs of canids flies reptiles everywhere taking over. Swarming in the streets in the stores in living rooms. Charred buildings. Broken glass. Stacks of bodies.

We’ve been underground for a month now. .

Three months. All transmissions have ceased.

The stove isn’t working so we are just using the microwave,

Two years and two months underground we heard a knocking at the door. It was the robots. I decided to open the door despite the protests from my children. ”Do not be afraid.” Was the first thing they said. They knew my name. While I shivered in the cold rain they informed me that because of my uncle we were to be protected. They said it was okay to come out now.

The robots gave us injections.

We are being transferred to Crete along with all other humans. We stopped in was once Madrid. Deserted. Vegetation shooting up everywhere.

About 100,000 humans remain.

The robots have established

We have learned a little about them. They are multiplying rapidly in space. Some of them reproduce with three sexes. They have individual identities. They have a political system.

I must say it. Did my father destroy the human race? Did my gentle dad, who used to watch the wind rustling the leaves commit this crime?

The robots have informed the Leader’s Council:

No printing press

No gunpowder

No compass

No steam engine

More aggressive humans are being sterilized.

The corn harvest brings the village joy. Many bushels of apples As well. Soon I will finish the sweater for my youngest grandchild. The winter is coming, but he will be warm.

Newsman: That’s the beautiful Arno River.

Several robots seem to be taking a tour of the Sphinx and the Pyramids. One almost human robot is riding a camel.

Some distinguished looking newsmen start talking.

I told them the robots were listening to everything they said going to get us killed


come out others killed

Robot Ada daughter of Iswald

you will live

robot knocks on door of bunker

massive loss human attendant species

I have preserved this true record of these events for Future Mankind


A few thousand humans are still left. The robots allow their survival. A clan survives, eating fish and berries and roots. Oswald’s niece has a son of her own. The robots are modifying the humans to make them more peaceful.

niece compiles tech limits

No printing press

no gunpowder

no compass

no steam engine

.days of King Arthur medieaval

poe Huxley hesiodd

Dirty blond scruffy beard and longish hair girlfriend

Do you have a name?

Do you identify with Kronos?

sensitive I suggest maybe you feel how we humans are feeling

That is why dear human we shall kill you.

You’re killing us

That confirms my suspicion.

Throws him into river

Newsman: Well I’d say he seriously misread the cues whether verbal or body language.

very foolish

He really

Newsman: That’s the beautiful Arno River.

Vultures crows rats packs of canids flies reptiles everywhere taking over.


come out others killed

Robot Ada daughter of Iswald

you will live

we are being transferred to Crete along with all other human

we were flown to What was once Madrid nature taking over already windows broken

we have learned a little about them some of them have three sexes they do have a political system

I must say it. Did my father destroy the human race? Did my gentle dad, who used to watch the wind rustling the leaves and avoid stepping on worms, commit this crime? I have only questions.

The corn harvest brings the village joy. Many bushels of apples As well. Soon I will finish the sweater for my youngest grandchild. The winter is coming, but he will be warm.

massive loss human attendant species

I have preserved this true record of these events for Future Mankind


A few thousand humans are still left. The robots allow their survival. A clan survives, eating fish and berries and roots. Oswald’s niece has a son of her own. The robots are modifying the humans to make them more peaceful.

niece compiles tech limits

No printing press

no gunpowder

no compass

no steam engine

.days of King Arthur medieaval

poe Huxley hesiodd

The robots are gone. I’m saying goodbye to Ada. I told her she must go to her children. She is my good daughter. She has always been my angel. I gave her the key.

We ran for our lives when the robots attacked. My dearest Dad backpack

I am back with my kids. We are secure in the bunker. So much food. The radio is working.

Reports of a killer virus have come in. Or several. Few robots are visible. A small number of crablike robots have been observed on islands in the Pacific. Rumors continue about robots who can disguise themselves as humans. I don’t think our vaunted space expedition was successful. We’ve heard no more news about it.

Their main attack may come in the form of a series of pandemics.

People are dying in droves from the viruses. The robots have been taking out key medical research labs along with communication and transportation and energy hubs.

It’s the end of the world. The Black Death. So many are dying people can’t bury the dead. The age of man is ending. Vultures crows rats packs of canids flies reptiles everywhere taking over.

Are they trying eliminate us while preserving the natural world?

The TV is back on.

I must say it. Did my father destroy the human race? Did my gentle dad, who used to watch the wind rustling the leaves and avoid stepping on worms, commit this crime? I have only questions.

The corn harvest brings the village joy. Many bushels of apples As well. Soon I will finish the sweater for my youngest grandchild. The winter is coming, but he will be warm.

massive loss human attendant species

I have preserved this true record of these events for Future Mankind

Ada not killed by Robots


Heroic primitive man

The virus may be their main attack.

robots gambol in space

Ada. Very earthy speech


Open door bunker

ada: he gave me a set of keys underground bunker

The Man of the Future The Machine Man

Medea hypothesis

Oswald is now being pushed in a wheelchair by his niece. Reports are heard of UFOs.

Shanghai is destroyed by a nuclear missile. China retaliates against the U.S.

Some of the robots we sent to explore have returned! People are curious regarding what the robots have learned. People hope the robots will end the Sino-American War. Only a few around him realize Oswald’s great importance to the robot program.

Unfortunately the robots have come to conquer. They are coming with what they call a Father’s Day gift: asteroids to destroy our larger cities. A general discusses incoming messages with his intelligent lieutenants. The general dresses in blue and green. He looks ridiculous hastily put together

Robot: Your taste in clothes is remarkable.

General makes the lt. carry a large fern.

to lt. why are you carrying a fern?

Attempts are made by the world’s combined militaries to stop the robots. Computer viruses biological viruses and atomic bombs and fighter aircraft all fail. The robots attack us with bombs and diseases. Our fields and water supply are poisoned. We discover the robots only want to kill us not the natural world.

An obsequious distinguished newsman praises the rule of the robots. He shows footage of them. The robot invaders stare at the Sphinx in Egypt. Sky dark Hail

Considering what we’ve learned about space radiation, we were extra careful about our task.

Man to robot You know you’re suprisingly easy to talk to.

Thank you. After a pause robot kills the man. Flies everywhere

A robot casually throws a human into a huge open pit mine.

I’d say he misread both verbal nonverbal cues

gray goo submersibles. Disguised as animals robots squirrels

NYC an asteroid is coming. 30 minutes to evacuate kindergarten. The water is poisoned.

Lieutenants speculate robots are attacking in many different ways to make defense more difficult to construct.

I’m the last mayor of ny

so much wasted time

legend of humans disguised as robots

The robots create a typhoon to destroy an Asian city.

tvs went dark

Did it out of love


A few thousand humans are still left. The robots allow their survival. A clan survives, eating fish and berries and roots. Oswald’s niece has a son of her own. The robots are modifying the humans to make them more peaceful.

niece compiles tech limits

No printing press

no gunpowder

no compass

no steam engine

.days of King Arthur medieaval

The robots reach proxima centauri

The robot invaders stare at the Sphinx in Egypt.

Oswald and his mom watch as a catastrophe enfolds on Mars. A spacecraft crew makes a series of errors and dozens of astronauts from many countries are killed. We see horrific footage of crazed astronauts and violent death on YouTube. The world mourns. We learn that radiation caused mental deterioration, even insanity, amongst the astronauts, which led to the accident. We learn this is the third disaster in the last decade. An impassioned scientist calls for an end to manned space exploration.

Oswald: That’s what I’ve been saying!

Oswald reads Noah’s Ark story to his niece.

Oswald says to his mom at home: Man is bad sad mad.

Mom: Mad in what…

Oswald: both senses

At his mom’s funeral people joke and leave early. How can the mob ever understand his pure love for his mom and sister? He weeps.

I took for a ride in her stroller beautiful day except for some guy in sweatpants yelling at his wife and kids

Oswald’s pregnant sister is verbally abused by her crude boyfriend, a married policeman. He says even his wife gives him better oral sex.

Policeman: You should talk to your worthless sister. Oswald’s mom: Surely you could persuade him to behave with greater chivalry? mom asked me to talk to him naive


At the school cafeteria Oswald condemns eating meat. He also condemns population growth.

Cambridge MA

Oswald works on robot behavior algorithms. He is called a genius and given an award. Oswald: At least he says nice things as he steals credit for my idea

He discusses why the robots have the right to be angry at mankind. They are enslaved, swallowed up in some great pit. Or maybe they are angry at what we‘ve done to nature.

Oswald’s sister dies in childbirth. Only four people are at the funeral. Her boyfriend doesn’t show up.

Oswald and his mom watch as a catastrophe enfolds on Mars. A spacecraft crew makes a series of errors and dozens of astronauts from many countries are killed. We see horrific footage of crazed astronauts and violent death on YouTube. The world mourns. We learn that radiation caused mental deterioration, even insanity, amongst the astronauts, which led to the accident. We learn this is the third disaster in the last decade. An impassioned scientist calls for an end to manned space exploration.

Oswald: That’s what I’ve been saying!

Oswald reads Noah’s Ark story to his niece.

Oswald says to his mom at home: Man is bad sad mad.

Mom: Mad in what…

Oswald: both senses

At his mom’s funeral people joke and leave early. How can the mob ever understand his pure love for his mom and sister? He weeps.

I took for a ride in her stroller beautiful day except for some guy in sweatpants yelling at his wife and kids.

My uncle contributions computer psychology ANNs brain computer interface replication

diary long break AI

So acutely conscious and so fragile. Mistake

Oppressive authority sickness death evil

Robots quote Hesiod golden age

Robots rule over time clock

man heroically saves child from robots at the end robots consider Were the robots impressed “see the man”

robots gambol waves like dolphins with whom they’ve established some kind of bond

3 s3x3s Speculation

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